Meet the Board



Anna Zakas

Secretary, Chair of Communications Committee 2021

Volunteer/Mentorship Program Director 2022

Where were you born/ Where are you from?

Silver Spring, MD

What Genetic Counselor Program did you graduate from and when?

University of Pittsburgh, 2017

Where do you work currently?

UW Health

How long have you been working as a Genetic Counselor?

4 years

What is your specialty(specialties)?

Oncology, Public Health

How did you get involved with WIGCA?

When I moved to Wisconsin I didn’t know anyone outside of my new colleagues. A senior genetic counselor at my work nominated me for the secretary position as both a way to network within the genetic profession and also to develop skills as a new genetic counselor.

What types of skills overlap between being a Genetic Counselor and your work on the WIGCA board? What did you have to learn for this position?

Genetic counselors are particularly adept at tackling new and unfamiliar territory. The profession of genetics naturally intersects with the unknown, and our counseling training enables us to translate complicated information across a broad range of audiences. Still, I was essentially diving into a position that I knew very little about! As Secretary, I anticipated I would need to write and organize, but as Chair of the Communications Committee, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Of all the possible applicants, I was grossly underprepared for taking on our social media campaign! But like the true multidisciplinary ninjas that genetic counselors are, I was able to manage my time so that I could learn the basics of social media and web platforms. Then, when I reached the ceiling of my own abilities, I could turn to the professional youths for advancement (shout out to our fantastic volunteers!).

What have you accomplished or hope to accomplish as a Board Member?

WIGCA has accomplished so much these last years! With the extra complication of the pandemic it has been particularly hard to stay connected, but WIGCA did not shy away from the challenge. We hosted our very first Annual Education Conference (virtually!) and raised enough funds to keep our lobbyist fighting for licensure at the capital. We revamped the website and upped our social media coverage. The communications committee has sent out monthly E-Blast notifications of upcoming webinars and local events to encourage the continuing education of our membership, and we have been more involved than ever in fostering students and engaging future genetic counselors

What do you spend way too much money on?

Plants! My home is a greenhouse.

If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be? Why?

Ginger Cookie: I'm a classic but not mainstream. I've got a bit of a bite to me, but ultimately sweet. I don’t have to be a favorite, but you know I'll still be at everyone's holiday cookie exchange!


Interview Credit to WIGCA Volunteer, Rachel Lichte 2021