Meet the Board

Interview with a Genetic Counselor


Kate Stuewe

Vice President 2021

President 2022

Where were you born/ Where are you from?

New Berlin, WI

What Genetic Counselor Program did you graduate from and when?

Wayne State University

Where do you work currently?

Aurora Health Care

How long have you been working as a Genetic Counselor?

12 years

What is your specialty(specialties)?

Prenatal & Fertility

How did you get involved with WIGCA?

I was an active member of the Education and Communications Committees and was nominated to the VP position by a colleague.

What types of skills overlap between being a Genetic Counselor and your work on the WIGCA board? What did you have to learn for this position?

ALL.THE.SKILLS. Specifically advocacy, time management & prioritizing, effective communication, and desire to promote the profession.

What have you accomplished or hope to accomplish as a Board Member?

We successfully organized and executed the 1st Annual WIGCA AEC in April 2021 and I hope to take that workflow and success to next year's conference! As the VP I'm responsible for working with different entities to secure sponsorships which strengthen and support the WIGCA's mission and initiatives.

Do you have any pets? If so, what is their name(s) and personalities like?

Yes- I have a 16yo cat named Zoe. She's like a dog in cat's clothing as she responds to her name (when she wants to), and is social, vocal, and demanding (when she wants attention). She loved when I worked from home during the pandemic!



If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be? Why?

Carmelita Cookie Bar- because I pretend to be healthy (with the oatmeal ingredient), but really i just like the combination of gooey caramel mixed with chocolate! It mimics my personality which can be serious and confident (the oatmeal) mixed with sarcasm & sass (caramel & chocolate).  Balance, right? ;-)


Interview Credit to WIGCA Volunteer, Rachel Lichte 2021